La Quinceañera
Photography by Suzanne Eliel
In 2012, Suzanne Eliel accompanied the La Farge Family on a trip to Mexico to photo-document La Quenceanera de Paola Sosa.
La Quinceanera was held on June 16, 2012 in San Martin Mexicapan, Oaxaca.
Paola is a daughter of Arturo Sosa Perez, an award-winning tin artisan with whom Patricia La Farge has collaborated for over 40 years.
Paola invited Patricia La Farge to be her Madrina, and subsequently Patricia and Grant became Paola’s padrinos. The photographs presented below are just 31 selected by Suzanne from over 1,000 images and videos taken over the course of several days preceding and including the quinceanera mass and celebration.

La Quinceanera, Paola Sosa, in a traditional Tehauntepec costume chosen for this important right of passage. Female guests were encouraged to wear Tehuantepec clothing as well, and many did.

One of Paola's sisters prepares floral accessories for the mass.

The feast for Paola's Quiceanera celebration, to follow the mass, was prepared a day ahead at Restaurante Awario. Here, a proud chef shows Suzanne a sauce she is preparing.

With a terrifying, karate-chop gesture, this chef explains how she split the goat's head in half to extract the brain.

Another chef trims tomatillos.

Restaurante Awario's team in full swing with beef laid out on a painted, wooden plank in the foreground. In this shot, the dog is distracted, but most of the time, he was keeping a watchful eye on the meat.

A chef prepares avocado next to two bins of green beans that have been meticulously cut to 1 centimeter lengths.

On the morning of La Quinceanera, Arturo Sosa's taller is converted to a beauty salon for Paola and her closest female relatives.

A chain production?

A hairdresser struggles to curl Fatima's straight, straight hair.

Make-up is retouched after Paola dons her outfit for the mass.

Paola puts on the gold earrings she has been given by her Madrina, checking herself in one of her father's elegant tin mirrors.

Paola leaves her father's taller for a ride to the mass.

Paola stands in the courtyard in front of La Iglesia de San Martin Caballero.

Paola is greeted at the church by her Madrina, Patricia La Farge.

Paola at the altar in La Iglesia de San Martin Caballero.

Paola with one of her chambelanes.

The balloon carrier dances along at the front of the Calenda (procession) from the mass to the celebration.

Men assemble a giant cloth balloon that will be used to lead the procession from the church to the hall where the Quiceanera celebration will be held.

Papa Arturo looks on with concern as Paola's sister Cecie escorts Fatima and a younger relative in the Calenda.

Grant and Patricia La Farge proceed with the crowd from the mass to the celebration. The balloon carrier dances along at the front of the Calenda (procession) from the mass to the celebration.

A young attendee in traditional dress waits for the food to arrive. The Sosas invited 350 people to Paola's Quinceanera celebration, but many more than 350 attended.

Here comes the food!

Aldo Rey, who sang with Los Masters in the 1970s, sings passionately at his niece's Quinceanera celebration.

Arturo and Paola have the first dance.

Members of the band from the Etla district of Oaxaca take a break.

A remarkable dancer reflects on her prowess.

A young reveler in the arms of a relative.

Paola rocks.

Fatima and her cousins enjoy the swing set in the yard at the celebration hall.

The party's over....

La Quinceanera, Paola Sosa, in a traditional Tehauntepec costume chosen for this important right of passage. Female guests were encouraged to wear Tehuantepec clothing as well, and many did.

One of Paola's sisters prepares floral accessories for the mass.

The feast for Paola's Quiceanera celebration, to follow the mass, was prepared a day ahead at Restaurante Awario. Here, a proud chef shows Suzanne a sauce she is preparing.

With a terrifying, karate-chop gesture, this chef explains how she split the goat's head in half to extract the brain.

Another chef trims tomatillos.

Restaurante Awario's team in full swing with beef laid out on a painted, wooden plank in the foreground. In this shot, the dog is distracted, but most of the time, he was keeping a watchful eye on the meat.

A chef prepares avocado next to two bins of green beans that have been meticulously cut to 1 centimeter lengths.

On the morning of La Quinceanera, Arturo Sosa's taller is converted to a beauty salon for Paola and her closest female relatives.

A chain production?

A hairdresser struggles to curl Fatima's straight, straight hair.

Make-up is retouched after Paola dons her outfit for the mass.

Paola puts on the gold earrings she has been given by her Madrina, checking herself in one of her father's elegant tin mirrors.

Paola leaves her father's taller for a ride to the mass.

Paola stands in the courtyard in front of La Iglesia de San Martin Caballero.

Paola is greeted at the church by her Madrina, Patricia La Farge.

Paola at the altar in La Iglesia de San Martin Caballero.

Paola with one of her chambelanes.

The balloon carrier dances along at the front of the Calenda (procession) from the mass to the celebration.

Men assemble a giant cloth balloon that will be used to lead the procession from the church to the hall where the Quiceanera celebration will be held.

Papa Arturo looks on with concern as Paola's sister Cecie escorts Fatima and a younger relative in the Calenda.

Grant and Patricia La Farge proceed with the crowd from the mass to the celebration. The balloon carrier dances along at the front of the Calenda (procession) from the mass to the celebration.

A young attendee in traditional dress waits for the food to arrive. The Sosas invited 350 people to Paola's Quinceanera celebration, but many more than 350 attended.

Here comes the food!

Aldo Rey, who sang with Los Masters in the 1970s, sings passionately at his niece's Quinceanera celebration.

Arturo and Paola have the first dance.

Members of the band from the Etla district of Oaxaca take a break.

A remarkable dancer reflects on her prowess.

A young reveler in the arms of a relative.

Paola rocks.

Fatima and her cousins enjoy the swing set in the yard at the celebration hall.

The party's over....